Subordinate clauses

It was a bright cold day in April.

the clocks striking thirteen


winston smith’s Puts his effort to escape the vile winds.

his chin nuzzled into his breast.

he slipped quickly though the glass doors of victory mansion.

though not quickly enough to present to a swirl of gritty Dust from entering along with him.







One response to “Subordinate clauses”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Well done, Shafayet. Almost all of these are simple sentences.

    The next step for you is:

    1) Make sure every sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop. EVERY sentence, EVERY time.

    2) Look at the last one – because it starts with the subordinating conjunction “though”, it is not a complete sentence. You’ll need to re-write it.

    Mr Waugh
