Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • school

    I was waiting for the bus But nothing came exept dust while the people next to me where staring I started glaring I got on the bus 5 minutes later 10 minutes later I was half way to school I finally got to school and I saw all my freinds Gren and shen It was…

  • I Kill enemy’s I Miss enemy’s I Knifed the king i sliced the solider I jumped past my enemy i dumped the king

  • Dolphins are mammals so this means that the babies feed of there mums milk dolphins can’t breath under water. Dolphins have a tequince  called  echolocation

  • Reading passport

    DairyDairy of a wimpy kid cabin fever it  all started  on Christmas  when Greg  got a doll for Christmas and and it walks and poo and does what a normall baby would so he lost the doll and the doll came to find him he got really creeped out    

  • Paragragh

    It all started on Christmas morning when Luke is brother got more presents them him and all he got was a pair of school shoes at the time he was kind of selfish and only thought of himself and diden’t care about anyone else. Colin changed his attitude towards his friends and family he started…

  • Two weeks with the queen

    It all started on Christmas morning when Luke is brother got more presents them him and all he got was a pair of school shoes at the time he was kind of selfish and only thought of himself and diden’t care about {[anyone$_ eles.


  • How much can you see with your 5% of your vision(we are asking this question) 4 How do you win races with 5% of your vision. How did it feel to win a race for the first time.

  • Sir I’m having technical difecaultys it’s not letting me upload pictures

Got any book recommendations?